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stay•safe MyTraining VR – a new reality in PD training

The stay•safe MyTraining VR is an advanced digital training tool, that can support you in preparing your patients for their peritoneal dialysis therapy at home.

With virtual reality you can give your patients additional training opportunities, so they can repeat the steps of the bag exchange at their own pace as often as needed.

You support different learning styles with a mix of visual, auditory, interactive and text elements. The immersive 3D environment supports learning by doing, making it engaging and intuitive to use.

With the different language options available, you can overcome communication barriers.

As a stand-alone system, the virtual reality training can be set up anywhere, works online and offline and is simple to start.

Make virtual reality part of your training reality!

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Home dialysis

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The stay•safe MyTraining VR and the VR glasses itself are not a medical device. They were created to supplement the CAPD training of your patients. This training demonstrates the use of the stay•safe system. The stay•safe CAPD treatment system contains the DISC and PIN safety features, which are connected with the Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) fluids.

The stay•safe MyTraining VR is currently only available in Germany.